I took Adam's Scrum Master training class and felt it was thoroughly worth two days of missed work. His delivery during our Scrum Master training class was engaging, entertaining, and informative. There really isn't much I'd change about the class, in fact I'd give him 10 out of 10 stars. Whether you're just interested in learning more about the Scrum framework or already knowledgeable and just looking for certification I'd strongly recommend the class.

Getting the training with Adam in the same room with a number of my colleagues together was the best work thing to happen to my life in many months, maybe even years. In short, I finding working on my team much more rewarding under the new regimen that is at least in the ballpark of “good scrum practice."

I can’t reiterate enough how much of an impact you have made on our organization through your keynote, workshop, and interactions with our people in the very short time you were here, and our team is excited to ride the wave of enthusiasm and interest you have injected in our culture as we ready ourselves to expand the agile mindset across deeper corners of the enterprise.

Adam is not just a coach -- he is a master. In fact, I suspect Adam is part Yoda, part Phil Jackson, and part Talleyrand, blending zen-like mastery, outstanding coaching, and great diplomacy to deliver pretty much exactly what we were looking for."